Thursday, January 15, 2015

An Apple A Day: 15-01-2015

An Apple A Day
watercolor pencils on paper

This image is from a YouTube instructional. I watched it this morning and then tried to replicate the apples this afternoon. There are two or three layers of watercolor pencil which I am learning that it takes to get the some vibrancy. That dark shadow behind the apple on the left is some of the background showing through from the prepared sketchbook page. 

Note: For some reason, I can't upload photos from my phone today to my blog posts. Yesterday, no problem. I am ready to toss my computer out the door. So frustrating. I have been having trouble with it all day. I finally figured out how to get this shot from a Picasa album. I have photos everywhere and yet can't find them when I need them. 


  1. I was about to toss my computer yesterday--it gave me trouble all day. (Of course, the first thing that happened was my cat's fault, and not the computer's, but still.) I especially like the apple on the left--you can see the various colors in it. I've been using my watercolor pencils too, and am finding them somewhat tricky to work with. I haven't had as much success blending them as you have had.

    1. Thanks, Kathy. The apple on the left is my favorite, too. That little square of white gives it some pizzazz. I think maybe I need to darken the shadows. The apples look like they are sitting in puddles. Giving the colors two or three layers seems to be the trick. Of course, I just want to throw down one layer and move on. Slow Down...
